Who We Are

For the execution of the work, we shall adopt the principle of an elaboration sustained in a small group.

Lacan, “Founding Act”

  • Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups began in 1999 as a network of Lacanian psychoanalytic reading groups devoted to the study and the advancement of Lacanian psychoanalysis in the United States.
  • Today, APW has grown into a group of committed individuals dedicated to the advancement of Lacanian clinical psychoanalysis. Some of our members maintain reading groups and centers for psychoanalytic study, while others form ad hoc study groups to work with colleagues both in and outside of APW.
  • APW is not geographically based. We continue to encourage communication and the exchange of information among Lacanians internationally. Our individual members pursue their own psychoanalytic activities in their own locales and bring the results of their work to APW for the benefit of all and the advancement of psychoanalysis.
  • APW holds an annual conference and other clinically oriented events. These APW activities attract analysts from around the United States and the world.

Joining APW

  • APW is an open group with no membership requirements. All that is necessary is that an individual has an interest in clinical Lacanian psychoanalysis and a desire to join.
  • Membership in APW is not exclusive. We welcome members from other groups.
  • The basic level of involvement in APW is membership on our e-mailing list, through which you’ll be informed of APW news and activities. You should feel free to participate in any of our open events. 
  • If you run a Lacanian reading group in your area or would like to found one, you can notify APW, and we’ll be glad to list your announcements and activities on our site. 

Contact APW.