January 2020, New Books:
Sergio Benvenuto, Conversations with Lacan: Seven Lectures for Understanding Lacan, Routledge.
Stephanie Swales and Carol Owens, Psychoanalysing Ambivalence with Freud and Lacan: On and Off the
Couch, Routledge.
August 2019
Just published: the second volume of three to cover comprehensively every article in Lacan’s Écrits.
Reading Lacan’s Écrits: From ‘The Freudian Thing’ to ‘Remarks on Daniel Lagache.’ edited by Derek Hook, Calum Neil, and Stijn Vanheule (Routledge).
August 2019
APW’s first-ever summer training seminar was held in August 2019, at Salem State University in Salem, MA. The faculty for the seminar are Dan Collins, Rolf Flor, and Eve Watson. We spent three days discussing the clinical applications of Lacan’s “Big Graph” through lecture, discussion, and case presentations.
June 2019
Just published: Bruce Fink’s new translation of Lacan’s sixth seminar, Desire and Its Interpretation. This seminar further explores the graph of desire as developed in the previous year of the Seminar, and includes the famous chapters on Hamlet.
January 2019
Just published: Studying Lacan’s Seminars IV and V: From Lack to Desire (Routledge). This edited volume collects essays from an international group of Lacanian scholars who guide the reader through the intricacies of these two formative seminars of Lacan.
Several of the papers were originally presented at two conferences in Ireland attended at which many APW members presented.
January 2019
Just published: the first volume of three to cover comprehensively every article in Lacan’s Écrits.
Reading Lacan’s Écrits: From ‘Signification of the Phallus’ to ‘Metaphor of the Subject,’ edited by Stijn Vanheule, Derek Hook, and Calum Neil (Routledge) includes papers by Todd McGowan (“The Signification of the Phallus”), Fabio Vighi (“The Subversion of the Subject”), Paul Verhaeghe (“Position of the Unconscious”), and Ed Pluth (“Science and Truth”).